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เว็บไซต์ use Use a lasting power of attorney · allow people or organisations to view a summary of an LPA · keep track of which people or organisations have been given access used to ใช้ยังไง Your use of Google user data must be limited to the practices explicitly disclosed in your published privacy policy, but you should consider the

use use · the act of using or the state of being used: the carpet wore out through constant use · the ability, right, or permission to use · the occasion to use;  Is It “Use” or “Usage”? Use can be both a verb and a noun, while usage can only function as a noun Use has a wide range of definitions, whether it's acting as  use verb 1 To put into action or use: actuate, apply, employ, exercise, exploit, implement, practice, utilize Idioms: avail oneself of, bring into play,
